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"Experience the worlds only patented body wrap, it's truly amazing!  This has been voted one of the top 10 beauty treatments world wide.  It's no wonder this is one of the most popular treatments at Mayflowers Health and Beauty Clinic."

We have lots of information about the wrap, so we have split it into the following sections:

1. What is it? - General information on the product.

2. The Wrap Routine - What to expect during a wrap.

3. The Results - What to expect after the wrap.

4. Taking a Course of Wraps - The case for taking a course of 3 wraps.

5. Wrap Aftercare Instructions - Do's and don'ts after the wrap.

6. Price - Cost details.

What is it?
The Universal Contour WrapTM is a full body wrap that exfoliates and cleanses your skin, detoxifies your body, tightens loose tissue and guarantees you exceptional and lasting inch loss. It is excellent for reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.

The Wrap Routine
You will be asked to fill in a short Health Questionnaire, to undress to your briefs, and then you will be weighed. You are advised to bring along some spare briefs to change into after your wrap.
Specific measurements are then taken, the measuring points marked on your skin, and the results noted on a Record Card.
Around twenty-five elastic bandages, pre-soaked in a warming tank, are applied, working upwards and covering the whole body. The therapist is trained to pay particular attention to problem areas - contouring the body, lifting flabby buttocks and breasts. Once wrapped, you'll put on a vinyl suit and booties to keep you comfortably warm for an hour while the process takes effect. You may exercise gently, working against the bandages to promote the toning effect, or simply relax and read. After an hour the suit is removed, you are un-wrapped and measured again at the same points as before. The new measurements are recorded on your Record Card, and your inch-loss is calculated by subtracting the post-wrap figures from those before the treatment.  
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The Results

The average client loses a minimum 6" on their first wrap!

Many clients obtain even better results. A course of 3 wraps is recommended for maximum benefit. These should be taken no less than 7-10 days apart. (Back to Top)

Taking a Course of Wraps

The inch loss is accumulative and it is quite normal for a client to come down a complete dress size, without losing a pound in weight, over three wraps. Clients dieting would have even better results. Larger clients or even clients that are rather 'solid' in certain areas (normally thighs and buttocks), would definitely benefit from a course of wraps as this area needs 'breaking down' and it is impossible to get maximum results in only one treatment.  (Back to Top)

Because the inches lost do not return after a few glasses of water (or cups of tea!) it is obvious that we can only wrap someone a limited number of times before they are, what we call, 'wrapped out'. Wrapped out means the point at which we have accumulated the maximum inch loss.
It really depends on the size of the client and their lifestyle as to how many wraps they may have before being wrapped out. In order to achieve further inch loss, the client would have to diet. However, further wraps will certainly continue to benefit the skin by deep cleansing, contouring and tightening the soft fatty tissue and are also excellent for detoxification on a regular basis.
Many clients also experience a sense of well-being. In order to maintain your shape and inch loss we recommend having a wrap once every two months. 
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Wrap Aftercare Instructions

Because of the amount of inch loss that has occurred through the tissue compacting and tightening, it will take a week or so for your skin to adapt to this amount of tissue inch loss.
Although your treatment in the salon has been completed, the clay solution is still in your skin and the detoxification and tightening process can continue for 3-4 days giving further inch loss.
You can greatly assist this skin tightening process by retaining the solution in the pores, showering with tepid water only. Limit the soap to under arm, groin and feet areas only, you do not want to soap the solution out of the pores.
Creams and lotions that could be absorbed into the pores and inhibit the desired action of the retained solution should also be avoided.
The wrap is great for dry skin - you should not need lotions for a few days. Following this procedure for the next 3-4 days will greatly assist the total result, and this will continue to improve for the next week or two.
After 3-4 days hot showers and plenty of soap on the entire body will open the pores and eliminate the solution and toxins on which it has continued to act. There will NOT be any body odour problems for 3-4 days of clay solution retention.
After your wrap you should drink plenty of water, either mineral or tap water is fine - but NOT carbonated mineral water. Ideally try and drink at least 3 pints a day. This helps flush out and rid your body of the impurities that have broken down. If you can avoid things that are fairly toxic for a 3-4 day period, this will help greatly, they are; Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Fried Food.

If you drink a lot of tea or coffee and you cut this out completely you may experience headaches, we would normally advise clients that have a high caffeine intake to cut down rather than cut out. For example, if you normally drink from a mug, have a cup instead. The most important instruction to follow is - to drink plenty of water.  (Back to Top)


Single wrap

Course of three wraps



£175    (Back to Top)

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contact us

Mayflower Health and Beauty Clinic Ltd, 35 Mayflower Way, Beaconsfield, Bucks. HP9 1UG Phone 01494 675612
Registered in England No 04713558 


Mayflowers is registered with the Healthcare Commission,

previously called the National Care Standards Commission.

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