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The Mayflowers Beauty team consists of Joanna, Lisa, Rachael, Katie, Jeanette, Katie, Kim, Celia, Trish, Seyhan and Andy. We all have a wealth of experience and are passionate about beauty.

Joanna Pitt at Mayflower Health and Beauty ClinicWhen Joanna, the proprietor, left school, she wanted to be a beauty therapist, but her father would not hear of it “You might as well be a hairdresser” he famously claimed. She was bunged into secretarial college and then joined the Wrens to do something different. Whilst in the Wrens she decided that she really did want to be a beauty therapist and did her training at night school and luckily for her through the Navy’s day release scheme.

Since qualifying, Joanna has worked on Cruise ships, travelling all over the world in the process and has run her own salon in Hong Kong for 4 years. She has just finished studying for a psychotherapy diploma in her spare time. She met her partner Andy six years ago and they married in August 2002. 

As mentioned before, we are all passionate about beauty therapy, highly qualified, experienced and are excited about being able to offer you the best professional treatments, new and old and look forward to giving you a complimentary head neck and shoulder massage with your first treatment at Mayflowers.

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contact us

Mayflower Health and Beauty Clinic Ltd, 35 Mayflower Way, Beaconsfield, Bucks. HP9 1UG Phone 01494 675612
Registered in England No 04713558 


Mayflowers is registered with the Healthcare Commission,

previously called the National Care Standards Commission.

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