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A Better Body Through Detoxification

What is Toxicity?
Why are we so Toxic?
How can I detoxify?
Clay and Detoxification.

Toxicity and nutritional deficiencies will both equally undermine your health and vitality. Nowadays, with the wide range of nutritional supplements available, deficiencies can be well taken care of but the problem of toxicity remains and without addressing both then no
long - term health improvements will occur.

What is Toxicity?

Toxicity physically manifests as the clogging up and hardening of arteries and joints; stagnation of energy leading to cellulite deposits and the growth of cysts, fibroids and tumours; mucous production leading to sinusitis, congestion and the impairment of digestion with the onset of food allergies and intolerances; a weakening of the muscles and bones; and the loss of function and vitality to body systems. The more toxic we become the quicker the process accelerates. We know that toxicity causes these problems because when we detoxify, the body heals itself and the 'lumps and bumps' disappear.

Why are we so Toxic?

Suddenly, in our evolution we have started to consume vast amounts of commercially produced fast foods that have been refined, processed and "chemicalised" beyond our body's recognition. This is not "live" food which will sustain our living enzyme systems but "dead" food. We cannot build healthy tissues and functioning immune systems with such foods. Even though the chemical abuse from our drinking supplies and the pollution within our atmosphere accounts for a proportion of our toxic load, a "dead food" diet will create greater toxicity. As toxicity rises, the vitality of the organs decrease, cleansing is impaired and the cycle worsens.

How can I detoxify?

Diet and re-hydration are the crucial factors. Most people who drink tea, coffee and alcohol daily will gradually dehydrate. This leads to the stagnation of body fluids and within this environment it is impossible to cleanse. Drink more water (6-8 glasses daily) or better still, for faster re-hydration and detoxification, make your own fresh, live vegetable juices. Eat plenty of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables keeping to an absolute minimum refined, processed fast foods. If you are really committed to detoxification try following a detoxification diet. A good one can be found in the book "Get a Life: the detoxification diet made easy!" by Kathryn Alexander.

Clay and detoxification.

We can additionally help this process with the use of clay. Clay has been used for centuries both internally and externally, for it's remarkable capacity to draw and absorb toxins taking them to the outside. The skin is the largest eliminative organ we have and can remove up to two-thirds of all tissue waste. The proof of these properties is evident with the measurable and sustained inch/cm loss. Toxicity holds on to stagnant fluid; it causes the accumulation of water in and around the cells cutting of there blood supply until they can no longer "breathe" and they sink into fermentation. The clay poultice draws the toxins and accumulated fluids through the skin, which leads to the revitalizing and subsequent rejuvenation of the body tissues and the skin itself.

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Mayflower Health and Beauty Clinic Ltd, 35 Mayflower Way, Beaconsfield, Bucks. HP9 1UG Phone 01494 675612
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